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KPCL Junior Assistant Engineer JEn AEn Recruitment 2015, 359 Vacancies Apply Online at

Tuesday, 9 December 2014

KPCL Junior Assistant Engineer JEn AEn Recruitment 2015, 359 Vacancies Apply Online at

Karnataka Power Corporation Limited also known as(aka) KPCL lately deploy an employment notice for the recruitment of Assistant Engineer and Junior Engineer. Diploma holder for Junior Engineer post and B.Tech graduate for Assistant Engineer in relevant specification posts competitor can apply via on-line mode before last date i.e. 22-12-2014. Upper age limit to apply is 35 years. Application fees is INR 500 for general category. Relaxation to other categories and female candidates in adulthood and required fees is given as per government rules and guidelines.

Organization Name:
Karnataka Power Corporation Limited

Working Role:
I. Hyderabad Karnataka region (Local Cadre): 222 posts
1. Assistant Engineer (Civil): 12 posts
2. Assistant Engineer (Electrical): 36 posts
3. Assistant Engineer (Mechanical): 39 posts
4. Assistant Engineer (Instrumentation): 12 posts
5. Assistant Engineer (Systems): 05 posts
6. Junior Engineer (Civil): 07 posts
7. Junior Engineer (Electrical): 26 posts
8. Junior Engineer (Mechanical): 34 posts
9. Chemist: 21 posts
10. Chemical Supervisor: 30 posts
II. Other than Hyd-Kar Region (Non Local Cadre): 137 posts
1. Assistant Engineer (Civil): 25 posts
2. Assistant Engineer (Electrical): 40 posts
3. Assistant Engineer (Mechanical): 24 posts
4. Assistant Engineer (Instrumentation): 09 posts
5. Assistant Engineer (Systems): 03 posts
6. Junior Engineer (Civil): 02 posts
7. Junior Engineer (Electrical): 08 posts
8. Junior Engineer (Mechanical): 11 posts
9. Chemist: 06 posts
10. Chemical Supervisor: 09 posts

Unemployed Posts:

Click here to apply online/official notification of KPCL JEn, AEn Recruitment 2015

KVG BankRRB CWE Recruitment 2014-2015, 1126 Vacancies Apply Online

KVG Bank RRB CWE Recruitment 2014-2015, 1126 Vacancies Apply Online

Karnataka Vikas Grameen Bank aka KVGbank lately deploy an employment notice for the recruitment of Officer Scale I,II,III,IV, MTS and other posts. RRB CWE's qualified competitor can apply via on-line mode before last date i.e. 22-12-2014. Upper age limit to apply is 35 years. Application fees is INR --- for general category. Relaxation to other categories and female candidates in adulthood and required fees is given as per government rules and guidelines.

Organization Name:
Karnataka Vikas Grameen Bank aka KVGbank

Working Role:
 Officer Scale I,II,III,IV, MTS

Unemployed Posts:
1. Officer Scale III : 12
2. Officer Scale :
a. General Banking : 68
b. IT : 18
c. Law : 02
d. Treasury Manager : 02
e. Marketing Officer : 17
f. Agricultural Officer : 07
3. Officer Scale I : 318
4. Office Assistant (Multipurpose) : 682

Click here to apply online/official notification of KVG Bank RRB CWE(Common Written Exam) Recruitment 2014-2015

Central Electronics Limited Recruitment 2014 2015, 51 DiplomaVacancies Apply Online at

Central Electronics Limited Recruitment 2014 2015, 51 DiplomaVacancies Apply Online at

Central Electronics limited aka CEL lately deploy an employment notice for the recruitment of Executive and Diploma Holder. B.Tech/MCA in IT for Executive and diploma in Electrical, civil, mechanical, electronics specification competitor can apply via on-line mode before last date i.e. 22-12-2014. Upper age limit to apply is 27 years. Application fees is INR 250 for general category. Relaxation to other categories and female candidates in adulthood and required fees is given as per government rules and guidelines.

Organization Name:
Central Electronics Limited Recruitment

Working Role:
1. Executive (IT): 01
2. Diploma Holder: 50
(i) Electronics: 40
(ii) Mechanical: 06
(iii) Electrical: 03
(iv) Civil: 01

Unemployed Posts:

Click here to apply online/official notification for CEL Diploma Jobs

IIM Kozhikode Job Fair 15 December 2014

IIM Kozhikode Job Fair 15 December 2014

Indian Institute of Management aka IIM located at Kozhikode is organizing an National Job Fair for every Graduate and post graduate students. you have to first apply online to participate in the job fair which is going to conduct on 15-12-2014. Your remuneration  will start from 6.00 lpa to 12.50 lpa. To participate in the job fair you must be under 24 year of age. This function is for recruiting more then 10000 students as soon as possible.

Location: IIM Kozhikode canpus

Apply: First you have to register your self via online mode then attend fair on 15-12-2014

To apply for the IIM 2014-2015 job fair click here 
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