HSSC Junior Enginior Result at www.hssc.gov.in
HSSC - Haryana Staff Selection Commission is going to update their official website hssc.gov.in and publish Junior Engineer Civil result for the applicant who filled the form before.
HSSC conduct Junior Engineer Entrance Exam for the filling of vacant Civil engineer posts in various government construction or real state department. Advertisement of recruitment process of junior is publisher on 10-02-2012 and result declared on 19-06-2014
Applicant can download their result merit list from official website hssc.gov.in by entering their Registration Number and Date of birth in the field provided
Click here to download hall ticket
HSSC - Haryana Staff Selection Commission is going to update their official website hssc.gov.in and publish Junior Engineer Civil result for the applicant who filled the form before.
HSSC conduct Junior Engineer Entrance Exam for the filling of vacant Civil engineer posts in various government construction or real state department. Advertisement of recruitment process of junior is publisher on 10-02-2012 and result declared on 19-06-2014
Applicant can download their result merit list from official website hssc.gov.in by entering their Registration Number and Date of birth in the field provided
Click here to download hall ticket